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Christina Asquith

Hi, my name is Christina, and since 2020 I've been co-founder, chief operating officer and board member of Hack Club, and global movement of young coders who impact change through technology. We're a 501c3, founded in 2014.

I'm also founder of The Fuller Project, a global nonprofit journalism organization that investigates issues impacting women. For 7 years, I created & grew Fuller Project, leading our investigative journalism as editor-in-chief, raising the first $5-$7 million in donations, and building out all our media partnerships, including with The NYTimes Magazine, Foreign Policy Magazine, PRI's The World and TIME Magazine, for whom Fuller Project had the cover story in 2019.

I'm an entrepreneur, and before I discovered my love for start-ups, I was a journalist for 15 years, starting at NYT, and then as a staffer at The Philadelphia Inquirer and PRI's The World. At the start of the US invasion of Iraq, I snuck into Baghdad and covered the impact of war on women and girls. I've written and edited pieces for years for: The New Yorker, The Atlantic and Washington Post. My 2 nonfiction books are on women in the Iraq war, and as my year as a 6th grade teacher in North Philadelphia. I was born in NYC, but I've lived in Baghdad, Istanbul, London and Santiago, Chile. I've been interviewed on NPR, BBC, ABC News, Al Jazeera and PRI's The World.

In my free time, I run on dirt-roads in Vermont, and invest in real estate and tech stocks. I love to code with my daughters

I'm playing around with JavaScript as I build my website. Check out my GitHub page for details. (Winter 2020)